Acknowledgment of Government Partners:
Caribbean Promotions Arts & Culture Inc. at its AGM adopted the following motion on November 14, 2023: to publicly acknowledge the generous support in 2020 of the following government partners and related agencies:
Building Communities Through Arts & Heritage, BCAH
Government of Ontario
City of Toronto
City of Mississauga (*donation of $700)
CPAC Annual General (AGM) Meeting Minutes (November 18, 2023)
In attendance - Board Members: President Greg McKnight, VP Jacint Cyrus, ED Anthony Plummer, Treasurer Minella Riley, and Board Member Andrea Weston General Members: Patricia Longmore, Michelle Grant, Novelette Cyrus, Keachea Dixon, Faye Campbell-Brown & Louis Brown.
The meeting was called to order at 5:19 pm: by President Greg McKnight who welcomed everyone in attendance.
The AGM Minutes of the 2022 meeting was tabled. Adoption was moved by ED Anthony Plummer and seconded by board member Andrea Weston.
President’s Report
● Greg McKnight provided a general overview of the annual staging of the TD JerkFest 2023. He also discussed plans for TD JerkFest 2024.
Treasurer’s Report
Financial Statements for April 2023 -August 2023 were presented.
● Highlights of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet were presented. A copy was provided for all members. Members voted to accept the unaudited Financial Statements in lieu of audited statements being ready.
● The 2023 Audit is almost completed and should be completed in a few weeks.
Executive Director’s (ED) Report
● ED Anthony Plummer provided a general overview of the staging of TD JerkFest 2023. He also discussed plans for TD JerkFest 2024.
Elections of the Board of Directors
● President-Greg McKnight will continue in this role.
● Vice President/Assistant Secretary- nominated Jacint Cyrus: will continue in this role.
● Minella Riley- will continue as Treasurer
● Executive Director nominated Patricia Longmore to position of Secretary - the motion was accepted by Greg McKnight and seconded by Keachea Dixon
● Keachea Dixon was re-appointed by the President Greg McKnight to continue in her role as special legal advisor to the board.
New Business
● Explore Trademarking the JerkFest Cares initiative in the near future.
● Giveaway at JerkFest under JerkFest Cares
● JerkFest Cares booth that provides information about the initiatives that JerkFest Cares is supporting.
● Explore looking for a grant that can specifically fund the JerkFest Cares initiative.
● Expanding Small business workshop.
● Helping international students with grocery packages that are in need.
Contributions of the Grant Partners
CPAC would like to thank all these partners for their support and look forward to their support for years to come.
➢ Gratitude to The City of Mississauga. $700.00 in kind and cash sponsorship was given to CPAC.
➢ Gratitude to The City of Toronto for their cash and in-kind support of $20,000.00 and $250.00 in kind.
➢ Gratitude to The Government of Canada for the grant through the BCAH program of $61,700
The meeting was adjourned at 7:22pm
Next AGM scheduled for: November 16th 2024 Tentatively Reminder to send out the invitation to the city of Mississauga.